CMS has introduced a new Pressure Injury eCQM, requiring acute care hospitals to report new Stage 2 pressure injuries CY 20282 and making it voluntary CY 20253. Choose EHOB to help your facility reduce Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries. EHOB has been specializing in pressure injury prevention since 1985 and offers products that are proven to work.

The Importance of Pressure Mapping

Pressure Mapping is a noninvasive, objective, and reliable way to measure surface interface pressure (the pressure between a support surface and the patient) and pressure redistribution.4 Pressure mapping systems are all designed to identify pressure on the patient's body to help guide clinicians in selecting the product that provides the best pressure redistribution for each patient.
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45% of Pressure Injuries are Stage 2.1

45% of Pressure Injuries are Stage 2.1

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1. Afzali Borojeny, L., Albatineh, A. N., Hasanpour Dehkordi, A., & Ghanei Gheshlagh, R. (2020). The incidence of pressure ulcers and its associations in different wards of the hospital: A systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Preventive Medicine, 11(1), 171.

2. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. (2024). FY 2025 IPPS/LTCH PPS Final Rule Overview for Hospital Quality Programs [23]. CMS.

3. Hospital IQR program changes FY 2024: Summary of FY 2024 IPPS/LTCH PPS final rule changes. (2023, December). Quality Reporting Center.

4. Teleten, O., Kirkland-Kyhn, H., Paine, T., & Ballesteros, R. J. (2019). The Use of Pressure Mapping: An Educational Report. WOUNDS A Compendium of Clinical Research and Practice, 31(1), e5-e8