When the Patient Experience Becomes a Journey

Are we there yet? Quality counts when your health is at stake. Self-guided tour Patients are no longer compelled to remain with just one doctor or hospital. They have choices. And, a lot goes into that choice. The information age has paved the way for everyone to be informed consumers. And quality counts when your…
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All Over the MAP

Using pressure mapping in the fight against pressure injuries A pressure mapping system records the actual pressure between the patient’s body and bed surface or wheelchair. Wouldn’t it be great to know what part of the patient’s body is under the most pressure, particularly in those with sensory issues? You can! Pressure mapping systems offer…
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Making the Most of 2022

Self-care isn’t just advised, it’s paramount. You can’t take care of your patients if you are running on empty. Breathe – According to Harvard Medical School, deep breathing helps calm the stress response by boosting relaxation. Stress can contribute to depression and anxiety, but it can also throw a curveball at the immune system. And…
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COVID…the Flu…Allergies…What’s the difference?

Someone sneezed in aisle two! Nearly a year into the pandemic, COVID-19 remains an uninvited guest. 2020: The year when innocently clearing your throat in the local supermarket was greeted with looks of sheer terror. When waking up with minor body aches, gave us pause. Had the invisible threat finally found its way in? Nearly…
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Care and Care Alike

Caring for Caregivers in the Year of the Nurse Nursing is a calling that not everyone is cut out for, but for those who’ve dedicated their life to helping others, we salute you. 2020. What a year to celebrate the nurse. If there is any industry that has proven its worth this year, it’s healthcare.…
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The Sweetest ER Delivery

We know—cupcakes aren’t the answer to any of life’s looming problems, but they sure do brighten people’s day. Working in an Emergency Room can be stressful. Add in a global pandemic, and it skyrockets to a whole new level. While doctors and nurses put in long, tiring hours taking care of patients, the team at…
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The Demand on Supply

Recognizing the Critical Role of Supply Chain Supply Chain personnel must be financial wizards. Peacemakers. There is typically one in every family. That one person tasked with pleasing everyone. The same holds true in the hospital setting only in this case, the peacemaker is a whole department – Supply Chain. Selecting products for good patient…
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Upwardly Mobile

Protecting patient’s skin wherever their journey takes them Supportive Surfaces: From Entry to Discharge Pressure injuries are equal opportunity problems and they typically don’t greet the patients at the Emergency Department door. They often start earlier—at home, and sometimes in the ambulance before arrival.  While facilities can’t control what is going on at home, they…
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